Monday, November 15, 2010

{deLovely Destinations} Vedana, Mexico's Paradise

I found this great post on what appears to be "the" eco-chic wedding destination, located on the gorgeous Mexican coast.  Originally posted on Wedvert - The Modern Bride's Guide to a Green Wedding in 2009, I'm certain this review still applies; Verana's fabulousness - "a stunning, hand-crafted oasis suspended above the Pacific Ocean, where eco-luxe charm meets mid-century authenticity" - is still as fabulous if not more so.  

So for those looking for a something special destination for your wedding, honeymoon or just a few night get away, then read away.....WARNING, you may get lost in the sweeping vista, awe inspiring sunsets, and panoramic ocean views that take your breath away.  Enjoy!

Photo Credit: Wedvert

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