Tuesday, December 14, 2010

{Giveaways} Xtra Xtra Milestones! Announce your biggest moments!

One of best things about getting engaged, marrids, celebrating an anniversary is sharing it with the rest of the world! You would shout it from the rooftop if you could. However, there is an easier way these day...Xtra Xtra and their Milestone announcements.  Xtra xtra is a website devoted to bringing you hometown news and events; share your milestones and stay connected with your community whether from childhood or the new place you call home. It is an easy, free way to announce your wedding, engagement, birth or reunion.

They are currently giving away two $300 gift cards to Jet Blue, we all need a little help traveling these days. It is super easy to enter; simply create a milestone like ours, and spread the word on Twitter and Facebook.

So I entered last week and funny enough, they liked our milestone so much they used it in a promotion on WedLoft! Isn't that exciting?  Thanks to the lovely ladies over at xtra xtra!

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