Wednesday, February 16, 2011

deLovely Affair Update and Round Up

Quick Updates:
We have a lot going on here at deLovely Affair HQ! So much to share, so much to do!

~* So first, be on the look out for some amazing Real Weddings by our preferred photographer Edson Dias over at
Dias Photo....amazing photographer with a great sense of style. Find him here online or on Facebook. You should definitely check him out.

~* Oh how I love DIY, Oh how I wish there was more time in the day to actually do some of the super fun projects I least you will benefit.  Tomorrow be on the look out for this one, a favorite of mine. In the meantime here is a picture to hold you over. Always remember, you can find DIY projects and Freebies

~* In preparation for St. Patrick's Day, deLovely Affair will Kiss the Blarney stone and feature all the fabulous rich culture associated with Irish Weddings for the week of March, family, and fun await thee. Look out for traditions, locations, DIY, and a Guinness concoction or two.

~* Last but not least so great giveaways and events coming down the pike, so stay turned in and turned on! 

As always, remember we can be found on
FACEBOOK and ask that you click the LIKE button. You can also follow all the deLovely Fun on TWITTER.  Please leave a comment below and let us know what you like or where we could do better!

Have a deLicious day!

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