Tuesday, April 26, 2011

{Real Wedding} Practical Planning at Commander's Mansion, Mellissa & Juliano

Hello deLovliests! I wanted to give you a super quick Real Wedding preview to end your day off right.
This is actually my own Commander's Mansion wedding and our photographer Darren Pellegrino did an amazing job that simply needed to be shared.

No, I am not THAT self-centered in terms of NEEDING to share my OWN wedding.  I worked really hard at the Practical Planning, thrifty, and DIY side of this day and it is something we hope to continue to expand and encourage here at de Lovely Affair - getting more, paying less and helping you create a wedding in-line with your absolute vision AND of course, including those pieces that really bring it all home. That's our biggest and best wish for all you!  Enjoy and there is SO much more to come!

Do you have a super thrifty or practically planned wedding you would like to share? Go here for Submissions or shoot us an email! We'd love to hear how you achieved your dream wedding.

Smile at strangers today,


  1. Thank you so much Nicole! Glad you like it. Many more photos to come stay tuned.
    What is your favorite DIY thing to add to a wedding?


Leave us a comment and let us know what you like!