Saturday, May 21, 2011

{Real Wedding Round Up} Epic Themes: Mad Hatter | Vintage Carnival | 1940's Safari

One thing we really push here at de Lovely Affair is the idea that YOUR wedding should be completely yours; a total reflection of your personality as a couple, your likes, passions, inspirations  This is one day out of thousands that will be all take it by the horns. I like to say, Be Epic. With this is mind, here are my top choices for this Real Wedding Out of the Box Round Up.

Bich & Justin's Culture-Mixing Mad Hatter wedding
Original post found on Offbeat Bride  - Thank yous all around for letting us share this wedding!

Take mini tops hats, a traditional Vietnamese Tea Ceremony, an Australian backyard, a Mad Hatterish theme and a Yoda pinata and you have a fabulously unique and incredibly personal wedding day, designed specifically and solely for the pleasure of this bride and groom....and maybe a little bit for the guests too. My favorite piece of advice from Bich: Take a chill pill and remember that NOTHING is important other than you and your life partner getting married on your wedding day.

Vietnamese Tea Ceremony

You really don't wanna miss the rest of Bich and Justin's story and their photo gallery! Hats off to our first Real Wedding - a perfect choice to be featured on dLA, a little culture, a little international, a little bit a...a whole lota personality!

Lauren and Joe’s Vintage Carnival Wedding
Original post found on Green Wedding Shoes

Absolutely ADORE this super fun, well designed, recycled/vintage wedding that is so full of personality,  it is bursting at the seams. Captured by Paige Newton, bride Lauren is a handcrafting and thrift store maven. She says, "I’ve always loved making things by hand so my mom and I (with the help of a few others) took on the laborious task of making nearly 1,000 feet of bunting from vintage fabric that I collected from various estate and yard sales.” A marriage celebration with eco-friendly intention, the couple gathered as many recycled/vintage items as possible to avoid buying anything new. In the end, their goal to just be FUN made all the difference in a day they lovingly designed just for them.

Check out the rest of their photo gallery and DIY story. I love the originality and passion of pursuing a unique vision...I guess there is a reason they are in the dLA Round Up!

Laura & Parker's Safari Themed Forest Wedding
Original post found on 100 Layer Cake

"I Married Adventure" is the 1940's book that served as the primary inspiration for this super sweet safari themed wedding.  The couple was honeymooning in an exotic location and wanted to incorporate that into their actual wedding...the book covering the African adventures of Martin and Osa Johnson seemed a great place to start. Captured by onelove photography, this wedding has all the making of originality, personality and epic wedding adventure.

You can check out the rest of their story and all their online photos over at 100 Layer Cake. Sometimes the best inspiration can be found in the paper pages of a book...yes a real book! :)

Hope you enjoyed this Real Wedding Round Up, Epic Style. Do you have a suggestion for our Round Up installments? We'd love to hear your suggestions!

Good with the good stuff!

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