Friday, March 2, 2012

{Friday's Photo} What does love look like? THIS.

You know I love to troll around the web looking for the good stuff to bring you...well that and I love the wedding tingle I get from it. It's a win-win in my book. I digress. Well today for Friday's Photo, you get the great stuff, thanks to Scobey Photography out of Atlanta, GA.

I must admit, I got a little misty when I saw this picture of Tricia and Davis. Fine, I had a tear or two but how could you not? To me, this photo oozes love, respect, friendship, all the good stuff that marriage is supposed to mean. How is it possible to capture it all in one photo? I have no freaking clue but Scobey Photography did it and did it well. And if you love this picture then you will need a tissue for the rest of the wedding.

 Congratulations to Tricia and Davis -  live well, love well and laugh a lot! Thanks again to Scobey Photography. You can connect with them at their official website.

AND you can connect with us on FACEBOOK and join the conversation on TWITTER. We would love it if you stopped by. Please.

What else do you think love looks like? Got an image that embodies everything that love is? Well send it our way so we can share it!

Make it de Lovely,


Leave us a comment and let us know what you like!