Monday, June 18, 2012

5 Global Celebrations for Wedding Color Inspiration

The World of Color

If you are looking for color inspiration - the best place to start your wedding planning- sometimes you need to look no further than global festivals and traditions for ideas. We know which colors we like, we know what colors can say about us, and we know sometimes colors also have specific traditional meanings. So how about TWO cross-offs in one on your wedding list: COLOR and CULTURE. Here are some great examples of color at traditional global celebrations:

Holi, Hindu festival of spring and colors - Hindus greet the turn of winter into spring with a splash of color. The large festival has roots to many Hindu legends associated with the triumph of good over evil. The colors are vivid and stunning and can be inspiration for a bold bride with bold hues and a bold statement on her mind!

Photo Credit: Anoop Negi

Throwing powdered paint in a joyous display of springtime celebration....well, sounds really fun! The color mixings create some gorgeous combinations.

Photo Credit: Kaylin Fitzpatrick

Photo Credit:

Cinco de Mayo - Probably the most famous of all celebrations from our southern neighbor, Cinco de Mayo (May 5th) commemorates the Mexican army's unlikely victory over French forces in 1862. Filled with Mexican heritage and pride, this celebration offers an amazing spectrum of vivid and vibrant hues. In fact, I would dare say I chose MY wedding palette by looking at these kinds of celebrations and how they used color to represent excitement, enjoyment and energy.  Having a Mexican themed wedding? Here are some easy ways to incorporate Mexican wedding traditions into your big day.

Photo Credit: SFGate

Just look at this purple, orange, yellow...gorgeous color combo! A little red and blue thrown in there and you have a lovely Mexican palette. Check out this color combo board over at Pinterest!

Photo Credit: Oregon Live

This shot was too beautiful to pass up!
Photo Credit

From the gorgeous continent of Asia, Chinese New Year celebrations are just ripe with colors - red and gold - that stand for luck and love. Red is also known for being fiery and passionate, making it ideal color for weddings in my book. Use with moderation and to add a punch to a neutral background. 

Photo Credit: Chinese New Year, Thailand

Photo Credit

Photo Credit: Third Age

Lest we forget: Brazilian Carnival; every color possible can be found here. I had the chance to witness the spectacle that is Carnival this last year and it is inspiring in every way - the music, dance, costumes, the whole of a country celebrating with joy and fervor.

Photo Credit: TVNewsRadio

Photo Credit: Kaylin Fitzpatrick

St. Patrick's Day - the giver of green, perfect for a Spring wedding! Irish/Celtic wedding themes are becoming more and more popular as couples begin incorporating cultural traditions into their marriage celebrations. Here are some simple ways to add a touch of the Emerald Aisle to your wedding.

Photo Credit: York Weekend

Photo Credit: CBS News

These are just a few examples of how festivals and traditional celebrations can help you choose colors that add a touch of culture to your wedding.  The world is full of amazing days of joy and festivity!
Find what works for you and go for it! Come back and let us know what you choose; leave us a message on FACEBOOK or send us a tweet on TWITTER!

Have a deLicious Day and go with the good stuff!

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