Friday, June 1, 2012

{Real Engagement} Jamie & Eamon - Carnival Love + Bubbles

You know when an image just stands up and SLAPS you - the colors pop, the love jumps off the page, the pose is spontaneous and perfect....yeah that kind of slap! Well, welcome to today's Real Engagement session with Jamie and Eamon, coming to us from Joe Elario Photography out of Albany, NY. Talk about unique - I simply adore the carnival setting for this super cute couple who happen to be grade school sweethearts!  This shoot transports me back to junior high when the county fair was THE place for young love to blossom. Carnies, cotton candy, and holding hands on the ferris wheel. Sigh.

Photographer JP Elario says, "I loved working with this couple! Jamie and Eamon have been dating for 10 years, these guys got together back in the eighth grade! A true love story right? And with all the fairs going on, I thought I must do an engagement session at one. I just knew all the colors and scenes would not disappoint and boy, was I right. Sure we had to deal with the carnies and wow, they’re a unique breed to say the least but all in all, it was a kick ass session."

These colors make the whole shoot. What a great location! I think this picture is my favorite.

Or maybe this one! It is so hard to choose!

JP: "What's a fair without a carousel? Jamie & Eamon let me buy them a round. Although standing backwards and shooting did make me a little dizzy, the shot was totally worth it."

JP "took care" of a bubble guy early on in the shoot and was bound and determined not to let those bubbles go to waste! I think they work so perfectly in this setting, soft and delicate, throwing off small soapy rainbows of light. LOVE it!

Can you imagine how hard it would be hard to choose a favorite group of pictures from this session? According to JP, this one is his favorite! I love the out of focus colors and lights in the background; Jamie and Eamon just pop right out of the image! 

JP: "The blue light is always the good stuff." I would have to agree on this one in particular. Amid the colorful flashing lights, carny calls, rollercoaster screams, and impossible to win games, Jamie and Eamon are almost like the eye in a hurricane, the energy is around them is frenetic and lively but their love is peaceful and steady.

This has to be one of the most enjoyable engagement shoots I have seen in a long time, and I get to see a lot! Amazing composition, color and just plain fun! I can't WAIT to bring your their wedding photos next week!

Thanks so much to JP for letting us share this light up your heart Real Engagement session. Joe Elario Photography is a fabulous father and son wedding photography team known for their style, stellar reputation and reliability. The duo is available to shoot weddings & events in Albany, Saratoga Springs, Lake George, & NY.  Personally, I am super smitten with them already, quick to respond, easy to work with and awesome sense of humor.

What are some other unique and visually interesting engagements session locations? Leave us a comment below! You can also join the conversation on FACEBOOK and TWITTER. We'd LOVE to hear from you.

Have a deLightful day - Go with the good stuff,

P.S. If you have a Real Engagement or Real Wedding you would like to be featured, take a look at our photo submission page for all the important deets!


  1. Such a fun shoot! And you're right...the colors totally make the photos!

  2. I think we see a lot of muted sans chroma photos these days so it is nice to see vibrant, exploding colors! Thanks for the comment. Their wedding will be on the blog this Friday. Woot!


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