Monday, July 23, 2012

(Real Wedding) Kerri & Dennis: Sweet Engagement + Wedding Cruise

A Modern Day Love Story - Part 1

Sometimes there are those couples who are so authentic, genuinely sweet with their words and actions, easy to smile and laugh, and are so in love you just want to show the world. Meet Kerri and Dennis; they are THAT couple.  I know them through a friend and when Kerri emailed me her sweet story, I knew I just had to share it!

Ever thought of just canning all the wedding plans and you know, hopping on one of these big beauties to tie the knot? Well, that is exactly what they did!

Kerri and Dennis connected online through a mutual friend's music page one Christmas Eve. They finally met after a few months of virtual friendship, but didn't make it official for almost a year. Kerri says "Truth is,  we were friends, we liked each other but it just never happened. Later, I kicked myself for waiting so long...there he was, my soulmate, right under my nose the whole time." Their  first date was exactly one year to the day they first met.

As Dennis tells it: I usually don't chase a girl. If I ask them out and they dont go, I dont keep asking. But I kept asking Kerri because I knew she was something special. And speaking of asking, did you hear the one about the girlfriend who accidently found a box of bling under the bed while her boyfriend was taking a shower? Yeah that's Kerri - so instead of the fancy, dancy romantic New Year's Eve proposal, he proposed right then and then when she came to confess. And the rest they say is history!

The thing I love about these two is they do it their own way!! Instead of buckling to tradition, they chose a Norwegian cruise to Bermuda as a destination wedding. Having both been married before, they wanted no fuss or major financial commitment, just an experience and celebration all about them! Plus they love cruises, and what better way to celebrate wedding AND honeymoon at the same time!

You know, if you are going to do it up, this is the way to go! Enjoy their wedding photos plus their official wedding reception at home a few months later, in Part 2 later today!

I love the Just Married sign on the back of Dennis's wheelchair. So sweet! 

Kerri and Dennis went on to enjoy the rest of their cruise in wedded bliss, no hassle, no fuss, great food, drink, and a warm tropical environment.....exactly what you want for your wedding day.
And what wedding is complete without a rockin' reception? Tune in today at 3pm EST for the rest of the story! But here is a little hint to tide you over.

What do you think is the best part about getting married on a cruise? Would you ever buck tradition and say Ahoy? Let us know your thoughts by leaving a comment below or hop over to Facebook or Twitter and LIKE/Follow de Lovely Affair!

Happy Monday to you,


  1. That is just so cute! I love it!!!!!!!!

    1. I know, this couple is super adorable and look so cute together!


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