Wednesday, August 22, 2012

7 Tips for Entertaining Out of Town Wedding Guests

Hosting a mega family wedding weekend and need to keep the gang occupied while you handle last minute hitching preparations? Fear not, there are lots of ways to keep the fam busy by introducing them to some hometown favorites.

Here are some de Lovely favorites:

1. Hold your rehearsal dinner at our favorite restaurant for ALL out of town family guests.
2. Scout out nearby parks for a family picnic and play time.
3. Locate a walking and jogging route or exercise area for your fitness buffs. Let them blow off a little pre-wedding steam.
4. Folks need a last minute gifts or outfits? Take a quick trip to your favorite boutique, super store or shopping mall.
 5. Check out local free or inexpensive art galleries or museums for a little cultural diversion.
6. Local papers and events websites often have free concerts, performances festivals or fairs listed.
7. Last but not least put them to work with a Family DIY Day! Let them in on the action; takes the pressure off of you and you get to spend time with people who came half way across the country for your big day. A win win in my book!

We love the idea of creating a whole booklet for your out of town bags, complete with a wedding weekend itinerary, starred maps, mass transit instructions, local shopping and dining options, historical information and other tourist attractions. Remember to add phone numbers in case folks get lost! Ask you local tourist center for copies of visitor guide books, area maps and brochures about local attractions. And if you don't have time to be that ambitious, a nice favorites list and a map will do just fine!

Photo via Oh My Omiyage

What other activities or ideas would you add to this list? Let us know below so we can share with our friends on FACEBOOK and TWITTER!

Happy Planning,

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