Monday, August 27, 2012

{Real Engagement} The Poetry of Love - Matt & Rachel's Hip Photo Session

Happy Day, lovelies! I so excited to share this sweet, hip engagement session sent over to us by Still55 Wedding Photography.  Matt and Rachel both bring a ton of personality to this rustic, woodsy photo shoot - Rachel with her fashion forward sense of style, Matt with his music compositions inspired by the passages of poet Dylan Thomas.  Lovers of the outdoors, music, books, creativity, picnics and great craft beers, this session perfectly captures the essence of them as a couple.

unique save the date idea

Notes from the photographer: It was pretty easy to pin down a suitable theme for this hip couple. Matt is intimately connected with his music; when he's not writing songs he enjoys listening to them. He has a vinyl collection that would entertain any music enthusiast for days. The laid back bride enjoys blending traditional recipes with a creative twist in her kitchen and preparing late afternoon picnics with Matt and their labradoodle, Luke. Through the pages of their lives we blended their style and love for one another into a fun, outdoor, rustic session on a beautiful Florida afternoon.

This couple is so sweet and genuine, I can hardly stop smiling. I love the use of props with meaning - the poetry books, Matt's guitar, a stylish hat - they represent real elements in their lives. Thank you to Joseph and Christine over at Still55 Wedding Photography for sharing this lovely engagement session with us. For more great stuff from them, check out their Facebook Fanpage. Matt and Rachel, we wish you much happiness, health, and an abundance of love in your new life!

What props of meaning would you include in your engagement photos or even in your wedding?  We're compiling a list of practical photo ideas for couples and would love to include YOURS! 

Have a deLicious day,

P.S. For more great wedding inspiration, DIY ideas, and gorgeous photos, join de Lovely Affair over at PINTEREST. Also join the super helpful conversations on FACEBOOK & TWITTER!

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