Friday, August 17, 2012

{Real Global Wedding} An Intimate Art Studio Wedding - Öland, Sweden

Martin & Marie - A Family Affair

How can I accurately describe the wedding you are about to see? Ethereal, magical, true art? Captured by photographer Malin Björkholm, we have been given a gift - a seat at the table of Martin and Marie’s intimate art studio wedding celebration. You're about to witness weddings as they should be - full of love, family, and all the things that make a couple unique and wonderful and perfect.

Full of stylish details and personal touches, the couple was married in the art gallery of the groom and his father on the island of Öland in southeastern Sweden. A sand covered floor and elements of wildlife complemented the natural, grounded, feeling of home Martin and Marie wanted. Italian arias echoed through the small studio, sung by famed opera singer Thomas Pichler, who later delighted the guests with old favorites by Cat Stevens.

A warm, emotion filled reception followed in the studio, amidst the hanging images, well used brushes, and vivid paints of an artist. The groom's father prepared an eight course meal for the newlyweds and their guests, with music and frivolity to follow. The couple stole away for some alone time as the evening light was fading and the fog was rising, a magical time on the island. Malin captured some amazingly magical, tender images, the finishing touches to a perfect day.

Hair Stylist: Din Frisör
Makeup Artist: FACE Stockholm

Many thanks to Malin Björkholm for sharing this stunning wedding with us through Two Bright Lights. You can also find Malin on Facebook. Marie and Martin, we are honored to tell your story and we wish you health, happiness, and more love than you can handle! 

What is you favorite image from this Real Wedding? Me - I love the paint brushes and paint tubes. Leave us a message below and then pop over the LIKE us on FACEBOOK! More great images and ideas over there.

Have a de Lovely weekend,

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