Friday, October 26, 2012

Michael + Samir | Love on Capitol Hill, A DC Engagement Session

Boy meets Boy and they fall in love. Simple.

So, we have our first same sex feature, and I am thrilled....I don't want to make this into a political thing, cause really it is just a love thing. I hope you'll forgive me every now and then when I hop on my soapbox; marriage equality is a very big deal to me and sometimes I get riled up. 

As such, it should go with out saying that we here at de Lovely Affair love LOVE. No, let me get this straight for the record, we SUPPORT love in all its many forms - cultural, religious, same-sex, offbeat, and any way you want.  We support love, plain and simple, and therefore the right to love and marry whomever you want, the right to spend the rest of your life with your best friend and soul mate. Period.  

We cherish love and loving couples, which is why I was do excited to receive Michael and Samir's super sweet engagement session from the talented Jalapeño Photography.  I just adore these two! Michael and Samir are dLA's first multicultural same sex couple, and we are honored!

As Edwina of Jalapeño Photography tells us: Michael and Samir, two politicos, miraculously found one another in the melting pot that is the Washington, DC political scene. Michael is Jewish and from Alaska, and Samir is Indian and from Missouri. Despite their differences, once they met, they were inseparable! 

Michael and Samir's courtship consisted of a lot of getting to know you time, and traveling to far flung places. They even made their way to Alaska for some good old fashioned campaigning. The ebb and flow of D.C. politics can be difficult on a relationship, but Michael and Samir weathered it as administrations and jobs changed. One night, while discussing something other than politics - their future - they both agreed they wanted it to include the other.  Swoon!

*soapbox* Did you know that the movement for same sex marriage rights and benefits began back in the 1970s in the United States? Since 2004, six states as well as the District of Columbia, and two Native American tribals have legalized same-sex marriage. Washington and Maryland both passed same sex marriage bills earlier this year. More are surely on the way!

Happy to report that support is growing in popularity across the country with a majority of Americans now supporting marriage equality for all. It is heartening to know that people are finally starting to realize that we love who we love, and we should have the right to marry who we love.

All photo credits: Jalapeño Photography

As I said, here at dLA we celebrate all couples - he's Indian, he's Jewish, they love each other, what is the big deal! This engagement session is sweet and romantic; Edwina really captured their essence -- a playful side, a serious side, a totally in love side.  Thank you Samir and Michael for sharing your special day with us.  Congratulations and all best wishes for an amazing future. 

Thank you also to the fabulous Jalapeño Photography for sending this our way. I'm excited to see this wedding!

If you are interested, dLA helped found a small but growing group called Wedding Professionals for Marriage Equality. We are still in the development process but would love if you'd join us over on FACEBOOK.

It is all about the love, ya'll!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for sending it our way! I am a huge supporter of marriage equality and what better way to spread the love, than to show the love. I look forward to featuring their wedding as well!


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