Thursday, January 20, 2011

An Indian Ceremony and Dance Party explained

In my daily sweep of all things wedding and wonderful, I came across this totally de Lovely appropriate article, An Indian Celebration and Dance Party, on the My Wedding blog, Delightfully Engaged by Shawna, a guest blogger from Maharani Weddings. Wow, that was a mouth full.  She wrote a super helpful piece about some of the celebrations that are usually part of traditional Indian weddings.  As we know, these celebrations tend to be multi-day affairs and here is why:
Indian weddings are notoriously known for being days long, and people often wonder, “What the heck are you doing for a week anyhow?” Well, today I going to give you a taste of what we have cooking during the week. The first event is the Choora Ceremony and the second, the party that no Indian wedding is complete without, is The Sangeet. 
At the Choora Ceremony, the bride’s maternal uncle and aunt give her 21 red and ivory colored bangles. Modern Indian brides wear more or less and in different colors, but the significance is still the same. In India, these delicate bangles remain on the bride’s wrists for at least 40 days up to 1 year. 
Translated into modern/slang-ish English the term Sangeet means Dance Party. I mean, how awesome is that, right? Well, there are a few things that make this particular “dance party” traditional and pivotal to all Indian wedding extravaganzas. Dancing is essential to any Sangeet. Close friends and family members of the bride and groom will prepare dances to Bollywood songs, and will lovingly poke fun at the newlyweds to be.
For the rest of this article by Shawna, head over to today's edition of Delightfully Engaged.
Here is some gorgeous eye-candy courtesy of Wedding Documentary Photography & Video in case you need any more of a reason to take a look.

Seriously, all weddings should be this phenomenally gorgeous and colorful. Thank you again Shawna and Wedding Documentary Photography and Video for letting us share this. 

Have a deLicious day!

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