Wednesday, January 19, 2011

{Real Wedding} Shilpa and Chirag - Highlight Video

As promised, Lovlies, a super sweet, high energy video of today's featured Real Wedding from Binita Patel Photography.  On my de Lovely journey, I have come to appreciate the absolute joy and beauty of traditional Hindu weddings; the three day event, the festive atmosphere, family and friends and flowers, the deep respect for culture and the dancing, dancing, you will see captured in this highlight reel.

Enjoy this serious fun!

Shilpa & Chirag's Highlight Video from binita patel on Vimeo

Binita Patel is a Boston-based photographer spcializing in wedding, lifestyle and event photography with expertise in South Asian and Indian weddings and events.

As always, please take a second to connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.

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