Wednesday, March 9, 2011

{Real Wedding Round Up} Taj in Boston | Andover's Berry Pond | DIY in South Africa

I love looking over Real Weddings - seeing how others pull off their big day is a great way to dream and discover what is possible for yours. They inspire outside the box thinking, encourage courageous and creative choices, and bring tears to our eyes with their beauty and obvious love. 

For today's Real Wedding Round Up, here are three current favorites of mine: Sita + Anik at the Taj in Boston by Binita Patel Photography, Geoff + Dianna by DMPJ by Glen Cooper, and Bo + Ryan by Jacki Bruniquel of Durban, South Africa as seen on Wedding Chicks. 

Sita + Anik at the Taj in Boston
Every single one of Binita's weddings is festive, full of color and life and very simply, love. It doesn't get any more perfect than that. This wedding is one such occasion. You can't help but fall in love again and again and again.

Binita says, As she took those first few steps down Newbury Street and prepared to see her groom for the first time that day, you could just feel the excitement in the air.  And when Anik turned around to see he dazzling bride, the expression on his face was nothing short of awe.  They smiled, they laughed and they hugged and made an oh-so perfect pair as their silhouette glowed in front of Burberry. Read more by Binita...

I simply love Glen Cooper and his group over at Decisive Moments Photojournalists - they produce some of the most colorful, heart thumping, smile inducing, sigh producing wedding photos. I feel really good inside every time I check out their blog. I chose this one because it is so REAL...not to be cliche...but it is genuine and honest, the way wedding photography should be.
Goeff and Dianna had one of those weddings where we covered so much ground from Medford to Andover and back to Chinatown in Boston for a reception celebration that won’t be forgotten. Any Boston wedding photographer would have loved these two and their free-wheeling spirit. Read and see more by DMPJ...

We found this incredible adorable wedding by Jacki Bruniquel over at The Wedding Chicks and had to share it. It is DIY, sass, sweetness all rolled into one...oh yeah and a gorgeous bride to boot, who is as crafty as she is bold. Well done.

Bo is a California girl who fell in love with a South African boy and got married at the most beautiful gorge on the South Coast of Natal. Against all advice, Bo went with a red and purple theme and spent many hours on all the details. When she couldn’t find red polka dot fabric for the little girls dresses, she just made them herself! She had a very clear vision of what she wanted and actually made most the pretty details in this wedding herself (roping in family and friends of course). Read more here.... 

So there you have it, our Real Wedding Round Up, gorgeous wedding, exquisite details, all captured by the discerning eye of the photographer. Gosh, I wish I was getting married again...oh wait I am. Oh yeah...swoon.

Upcoming: An Engagement Reveal, Miss Aimee and Her Rockabilly Sweetheart, next week, all from the Emerald Isle and Edson Dias and Dias Photo soon to grace our little slice of blog heaven!

Have a deLicious day. Go with the good.

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