Friday, April 22, 2011

South End Wedding Shoot...Brazilian Love in the Air with Binita Patel

I saw this wedding shoot from Binita Patel a few weeks ago and it made me wish I could pack her in my suitcase when I head to Brazil for my next wedding. She is, as always, amazing...just look at the light in the faces of this couple; that is what she captures but I digress.

Karina and Kaio, both of Brazil - a place so near and dear to my heart, make a stunning, stunning pair in this quickie South End wedding shoot by Binita Patel Photography.  Seriously, can you get any more beautiful or real than this?  The super talented Michelle DeVoe of Demiche did an amazing job with Karina's hair and Binita said, "Not that Karina really needed it." Michelle is yet another amazing talent I'd love to stick in my suitcase. Check out her super cool Bridal Bug TV for the inside scoop!  I digress yet again!

I wanted to share this shoot with you...well...quite simply cause THIS is how good wedding photography should be done.  And well, this couple just struck my heart.  And the South End architecture looks like that of Laguna, Santa Catarina where I will be getting married.  And that is really all there is to it! Just had to be done. :)

Hope you enjoy this little taste of love and Brazil from the lens of Binita and her team!

You can find the rest of this gorgeous shoot HERE!

Enjoy the sun and smile as often as you can,


  1. They're so gorgeous, you almost want to dislike them! hehe! BEAUTIFUL!!!

  2. I would totally agree! But they are just so damn cute together!


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