Friday, February 17, 2012

{Real Wedding} Renata & Fabio - Brazilian Beach Wedding

Real Wedding - Renata and Fabio at Itamambuca Eco Resort, Ubatuba, Sao Paulo - Brazil

My favorite day of Beach Wedding Week! I seriously love this gorgeous Real Wedding we found over at Para Ti Novia because first, it takes place in Brazil, my second home, and second, it is exactly what a beach wedding should be. Sun, surf, friends and family, and gorgeous surroundings. Be prepared to be smitten!! All images from Brazilian photographer Ale Borges. Obrigada!

Renata and Fabio met through mutual friends initially but were only friends for the first year, even though they both knew they had feelings for the other.  I love that they started officially dating the day before Brazilian Valentine's Day. So sweet!

As Renata says about the proposal: We are not very formal. We didn't even get engaged. In January 2009, friends of ours came to visit. They talked about how they had gotten married and how important the celebration was to them. All the positive vibration on it. So we decided to get married. Simple as that!

In Renata's own words: Everything was very spontaneous. We are surfers and wanted something very clean, beach style, hippie chic and natural. We choose the local typical flowers. Good for the budget and matched perfectly with the place.


The beach is already pretty and special for us so we didn't need much to make it beautiful. In Brazil, at New Year´s eve we wear all white. We believe it brings positive vibrations, purifications and peace. 

We didnt want anything too big , we believe “ less is more”. Clean and simple but at the same time sophisticated. Less means less money too. We focused on the importants things, location, food and fun.

I love all the personal touches Renata and Fabio added to their wedding. Here are a few from Renata: The bride came in a boat, the mothers brought water from the ocean to bless the rings, my father read a poem and my father in law the “corintos 13”.  A friend read a letter written by her and made every one cry. The priest told me to give a petal of my flower to everyone, so we did small pieces and give to the crowd.

 My favorite picture of the whole bunch!                                              

This wedding is exactly what we think weddings ought to be; full of family, friends, fun with lots of pieces of personality. Renate and Fabio chose to infuse their celebration with all their favorite things, the beach, the water, the sand, and Brazil. From their all white attire to their water ring blessings, they followed their hearts and passion, stayed on budget and focused on the important things.

Thank you to photographer Ale Borges for the photos. You can check out all the pictures of Renta and Fabio's gorgeous wedding HERE.

What personal or cultural touches will you add to your wedding celebration? We'd love to hear your ideas, so leave a comment below.

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Have a super de Lovely weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I just loved floral decoration and flowers used in this wedding are also amazing. You know, most of venues I hire for my events are floral themed. I will also have floral decoration on my wedding today and for that I will hire Flowers Delivered Today. It would look amazing.


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