Friday, February 24, 2012

{Friday's Photo} Fall in Love with Love

Happy Friday Lovelies! One of the best things about being a wedding blogger is the never ending stream of gorgeousness that comes across my computer screen on a daily basis....Oh let the day dreaming begin. It is slightly voyeuristic, watching other people's love, life, and passion take form right before your very eyes. I am guilty and every so often there is one that gives me a little know the jolt, it starts in your belly, then catches your breath in your throat, and brings a tear to your eye? Yeah that one. It makes you tingle, a little heady, and grin foolishly from ear to ear. It's ethereal, timeless, sweet and stunning at the same time; it captures the very essense of what we were put on this earth to do: LOVE.

So prepare to be jolted in our new Friday's Photo section, where we bring you the most de lovely photo of the week for your voyeuristic pleasure. Here's to falling in Love with Love!

Photo courtesy of the fabuous welovepictures out of Cape Town, South Africa. We thank them for letting us use this picture.

This is Lynette and Kobus at their DIY beach wedding in South Africa; it makes me cry every time I look at it. It is personal, romantic and picture perfect. Sigh. For more of their story, head over to Ruffled Blog.

Enjoy your weekend and bring on the love,

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